Visit Alcatraz: Where to Find the Ferry, Parking, & Other Tips

Jill at the Golden Gate Bridge

by Jill Loeffler  •

Before you visit Alcatraz in San Francisco, there are a few things you need to know. My guide offers you some insider's tips to help you make the most of your visit to the island.

I visit Alcatraz frequently to stay up-to-date on everything that's happening on the island. It makes it easier to pass along these wonderful tips to you before you arrive for your tour.

The Alcatraz Landing sign in San FranciscoAll ferries leave from Alcatraz Landing

Are you looking for information to book your tickets? If so, visit this page for ticketing details and then return here to help prepare for your visit to Alcatraz Island.

Highlights to Visit Alcatraz

  • Ferries leave from Pier 33 just south of Fisherman's Wharf.
  • Your ticket is timed and you can only take that ferry to Alcatraz.
  • Arrive no less than 20 to 30 minutes before the time on your ticket.
  • Bring as little as possible as there are no storage lockers.
  • Wear a jacket or sweater as the ride over to the island gets chilly.

Disclaimer: I receive a small commission from some of the links on this page.

Still need tickets? Click the links below to check out some combo tickets that include the tour of Alcatraz.

Everything You Need to Plan to Visit Alcatraz 

How do I learn more about the prisoners that lived on the island? Visit my Alcatraz History page to learn more about the prisoners and the history of the island.

Details About the Alcatraz Ferries

Where is the Ferry for Alcatraz? 

The F Street Car stopping at Alcatraz Landing in San FranciscoThe F Streetcar pulling into the stop in front of Alcatraz Landing

Let's start with the basics. Where is the Alcatraz ferry located and how do I get there?

The ferry is currently operated by a company called Alcatraz Cruises. They operate all of their ferries out of Alcatraz Landing at Pier 33. 

Pier 33 is located on Embarcadero Street near Pier 39 and Fisherman's Wharf. The odd numbered piers are north of Pier 1 (now called the Ferry Building). The even numbered piers are south of Pier 1. 

One option to get to Pier 33 is to take the F streetcar line from Union Square. This streetcar runs about every 15 minutes up and down Market Street. 

How Long is the Ferry Ride from Pier 33 to Alcatraz? 

Alcatraz ferry boarding sign

The time on your ticket is the time the ferry leaves the Pier, so make sure you arrive no later than 20 to 25 minutes before the ferry departs.

This sign at Alcatraz Landing shows which ferry is currently boarding.

>> More details and tips for the ferry to Alcatraz

Parking Near Alcatraz

Here are a few of the top parking options near the ferries to Alcatraz.

80 Francisco Street: Large garage with more than 500 spaces, it's just a couple of blocks away and an easy walk to Pier 33.

1603 Montgomery St: Just two blocks away from Pier 33, between Chestnut St. and Lombard St. and it has about 100 spaces.

Here is a map showing Pier 33, the streetcar drop off point and some of the parking available. The blue "P"s on the map mark a few of the popular parking areas.

The red "F"s on the map mark the stops for the F streetcar.

alcatraz ferry map

As long as you have a ticket in hand, you are guaranteed a spot to get on that ferry.

You are welcome to line up, but you can also sit back and hang out in the waiting area until the ferry starts to board. 

What to Expect When You First Arrive

When you arrive to visit Alcatraz, everyone on the ferry will get off at the one and only stop.

You will receive a short briefing as a group and then head up the hill to the main building to visit Alcatraz. It's not a race, so feel free to take your time getting up the hill.

The steep hill leading up to the main cellhouse on Alcatraz Island

The hill is about a fourth of a mile long. The hill is steep and is broken up into four football size sections with flat landings in between. 

Within the fourth of a mile walk, you will climb the equivalent of 13 stories. Don't hesitate to stop along the way, take some photos and look around at the buildings you see during your walk. 

There are also a few benches along the way for you to stop and catch your breath.

If you need additional assistance, you can request a seat on the shuttle (shown in the picture below). It will take you from the ferry up to the entrance to the Cellhouse. Once you arrive, ask a ranger about the shuttle and they will help you find the pick-up point.

The shuttle that takes people up the hill on Alcatraz Island

Details About the Audio Tour

The self-guided audio tour starts in the main prison building. It lasts about 45 minutes.

When you get to the top of the hill, you'll head into the doorway in the picture below.

The main entrance for the audio tour on Alcatraz Island.

You'll receive an audio player for your self-guided tour of the main Cellhouse. The audio is really well done and it's always one of my favorite parts.

The audio players used on Alcatraz IslandThe audio player you will use during your self-guided tour of Alcatraz.

After climbing one more set of steep stairs (the largest one on the tour), you'll look for this sign to start your audio tour. 

The sign showing where the Alcatraz audio tour starts on the island

For the next 45 minutes, you will walk along the predetermined audio tour route. During the tour, you will hear from guards and prisoners that spent years in this prison. Some of them were here for decades! 

You will learn all about the history of the island including information on its most infamous prisoners (find out more about these prisoners including Al Capone and Machine Gun Kelly). You'll also learn about the escapes from Alcatraz (discover details on the most famous escape attempts here).

With your headphones on, it can be hard to hear others around you. All of the areas you stop at are pretty crowded, so be respectful and aware of those around you during the self-guided tour. 

At any point along the way, you can pause your audio player to spend a little more time in a certain area. This is perfect when it's crowded and you want to get a closer look at something. 

I also often put mine on pause if there is a talk or special tour going on. You will just want to remember where you were on your self-guided tour, so you can head back to that location.

Your audio player also shows which section you were in, so ask a ranger for help if you can't find your way back.

At the end of the tour, you'll turn in your audio player. At this point, you are on your own to explore Alcatraz. 

Other Fun Things to See & Do on the Island

The Alcatraz theater where you can learn more about the island's historyThe theater where you can watch a short documentary about the island.

Depending on the time of year you visit, you will find different areas open. Any time of year, you can head out to take pictures near the lighthouse (it's also on the audio tour, so you should have no problems finding it when you are done).

From this area, you get some great views of San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the SF Bay. 

I also recommend that you visit the gardens, which are beautiful. Some of the plants and flowers have been growing for years.

Recently, they increased their efforts to care for the plants and flowers in the garden, so it's a great stop. 

I also recommend that you head out to the old prisoner yard. It's only a short stop on your audio tour, so just ask a ranger if you can't find it again.

It's a fun place to hang out and take a look up close at the outside of the Cellhouse. 

From here, you can also get some great photos of the Golden Gate Bridge and Sausalito.

Either on your way in or out, make sure you stop by the theater for a short Alcatraz Island history film. This free film covers the history of the island from the beginning to some of the current projects going on to restore it.

You will also find two gift shops on the island. This is where you can find a large selection of Alcatraz related books, movies, and other items. 

The first one is located next to the area where you drop off your audio tour. The second is next to the theater. 

Alcatraz Ferry waiting at Alcatraz Island

If you want to learn more before you visit Alcatraz, you will also find a great selection of Alcatraz books and movies online.

Some of my favorites include the book Letters from Alcatraz, with personal letters from a number of inmates on the island from Al Capone to Machine Gun Kelly, and the National Geographic documentary called Vanished from Alcatraz, which includes recent information on the famous 1962 escape attempt from the island.

Other Questions About Your Visit

Is there food on Alcatraz? 

There is no food available for purchase on Alcatraz. However, if you brought your own food, there is a small area with picnic benches that you are welcome to use to eat or drink. 

That being stated, I want to warn you that the area is full of birds looking for a meal also, so I recommend either eating before you arrive or after you return to San Francisco.

They do not allow you to eat anywhere else on the island nor do they sell any food.

Here are some recommendations on where to eat near Alcatraz.

Can you sleep at Alcatraz? 

This would be such a cool program, but at this time they do not allow people to spend the night on the island. 

Are there bathrooms on Alcatraz? 

There are bathrooms on most of the ferries on the way over and back. 

There are also restrooms in two locations on the island. One is right near the ferry terminal. The second set of bathrooms is at the top of the hill right outside the Cellhouse.

Ask any ranger for directions to the nearest bathroom when you are on the island as they are always happy to help.

What to Wear on Alcatraz Prison Tours

The outdoor area at Alcatraz where inmates had a few minutes each week to see the outside worldThe outside grounds where the prisoners were able to see the outside world.

You will want to bring along layers for your visit. It will be cool and windy on the ferry ride over, so make sure to bring a light jacket or sweater. You can also sit inside, but the doors are open so it's usually cool in there also.

On the island, it is warmer outside, but cooler inside the building.

They don't have heat or air inside the building, so bring along layers so you can mix and match based on the weather that day.

There are also many broken windows and they leave many doors open, so the air can really blow through the prison on very windy days.

You can also check out my weather by month pages to get an idea on what to pack for your stay. Keep in mind, that it might be an additional 10 to 15 degrees cooler on the ferry and/or inside the prison on Alcatraz.













ADA Accessibility to Visit Alcatraz

Are the Alcatraz Prison Tours ADA accessible? Yes, most of the island is ADA Accessible.

Limited Mobility and Wheelchairs

For those with mobility limitations, you will find a few options to help you get around. When you arrive on the island, you will arrive at the ferry terminal at the bottom of the island. The main Cellhouse building is up a very steep hill. It's about a fourth of a mile, but the climb is similar to climbing up 13 flights of stairs.

To help you get to the top, there is a S.E.A.T. Tram that will take you to the main entrance to the Cellhouse. You will see the tram upon arrival on the island. You can take this to get to the entrance of the prison.

Most of the tour is on the second floor of the building, but there is a small elevator that can take you from the main floor up to the area where you will find the tour. You can return to this elevator after your tour to get back to the main level.

Alcatraz does not supply or rent wheelchairs at any of their facilities. You will need to bring your own along if needed.

Hearing Impaired

An American Sign Language version of the audio tour is available. Simply alert a member of the staff that you need this version and they will be happy to provide you a hand-held device with a screen for your tour. There are also large markers for each stop, so you can identify where you need to be for each section of the audio tour.

Visually Impaired

Alcatraz also has materials for those that are visually impaired. They have the Cellhouse tour available in both large print and in Braille. You can request these upon arrival. They also have other materials available for you to use to explore the island.

More on Alcatraz & its Prisoners

Alcatraz Prison Tours San Francisco

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